Calibration for a time-dependent variable - any sugestions?

Hello everyone,

I am modelling a Markov cohort for cost-utility analysis, that includes two time-dependent variables (death and hospitalization) for which I created tables to account for age progression.

So my question is: how to calibrate these age-dependent probabilities? Apparentely, I can only input individual parameters when using calibration.



  • Official comment

    Yes, it is true that TreeAge Pro's calibration option only adjusts inputs variables when attempting to match targets. Even theoretically, I don't think it would be possible to independently adjust a large set of time-dependent inputs on a limited set of targets.

    If you are prepared to accept your assumption of the relationship among the time-dependent values, you could adjust the full set of values up and down using a single variable. Then you could use that single variable as in input in the calibration process.

    Note that there is a feature available that might help you with this. From the menu, you can choose Tree < Expand Table for Sensitivity Analysis. This will expand the table into 3 columns for low, base case and high values. While this is designed for sensitivity analysis, you could use the new value column variable for calibration as well.


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  • Thank you Andrew, for your quick reply and considerations. The new option to expand the table for sensitivity analysis will work well for my model.





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  • Happy to hear it.


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