microsimulation trials set

I  want to model individual based population model use trails micro simulation. the population is expected to more than 1,000,000,000. I set the number of trails as 1,000,000,000, is it right? it suggested me that a long time . The results could be analysis, but when it autosave for a long time, it failed and showed too many columns. What can I did?Thanks, everyone



  • Official comment


    These questions are exactly what we answer via Support when you have an active license. There maybe someone else in the community who can assist too, but you should email support@treeage.com if you have an active license (current Annual License or Perpetual License with Active Maintenance) to get additional and specific support.

    Thanks, Belinda

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  • You do not necessarily need to run 1M trails based on the size of the affected. You only need enough trials such that the mean values are stable.

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  • Andrew, thank you very much. At the same time, I had another question, suppose I had new population coming in at some stage, how would I set it up, just like a birth cohort or a dynamic cohort? For example, if I want to analyze the prevlaence of adults, there are different gender and education levels of all ages (such as 10 to 20 years old), how should the distribution be set first? If set distribution as a table, it can only be 10*2*2 rows of distribution table? In addition, only 10 adults in the first year have been randomly selected into the model according to the distribution, but in addition, the population under 18 years old may be recorded according to death or survival in the initial stage, but they should also meet the risk of disease in the corresponding stage, is it only to achieve by using the identification formula?  Finally, I would like to output the stage of identification and corresponding age, gender and education level, so as to clearly know the specific disease distribution and time change. What should I do? I'm sorry that I have too many questions. Thank you for your help.

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  • For additional help with your model, please contact support@treeage.com.

    Note that your license must be active for Technical Support.

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