Need help on editing chart

Hey all, I was plotting the ICE scatterplot of the Monte Carlo simulation with TreeAge Pro 2023. In the previous version of TreeAge Pro 2020, there was an option 'edit chart' allowing me to change the type of the plot. But this option was missing in the new version. Not sure if this function was removed from the new version?



  • Official comment

    It should be very simple in the 2023 version to edit your graphs compared to the 2020 version.

    In the ICE graph (but also for other graphs) on the right hand side of the graph will be some options which you can expand out. You can see those in the figure attached. Once you expand these options, you should be able to do everything and more you could do in 2020.

    Can I also point you to the Help files for TreeAge Pro Healthcare: (you can find the same Help in your software too).


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  • Hey Belinda thanks for help ! Now I met a new problem. I was plotting the ICE scatterplot of the Monte Carlo simulation with TreeAge Pro 2023.

    In the previous version, I was able to change the origin of the plot

    but I couldn't find a way out to do that in the new version. It seems like no option on the right hand side of the graph.

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  • On the RHS of the ICE Scatter Plot, you should just be able to change the minimum and maximum values in the X-Axis and Y-Axis settings to get all the points you want on the graph. For example, if you make 0 the minimum for both then (0,0) will be at the bottom left of the graph.

    Let me know if I have misunderstood your question.

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